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Dentist Appointment

Medical Team

Dr Ng Pui Ching , Michael

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (HKU)

Registered Dentist (HK)

​Medical Director of Joyful Smile Dental Clinics

JSD Research Centre Dean *

ITI (member) **

Dr Li Yan Yan , Jane

Bachelor of Dental Surgery,(HKU) MFDS RCSEd

MFDS RCPS (Glasg) 

Dr Poon Pak Hong, Parco

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, The University of Hong Kong

Dr Wong Kin, Jason

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, The University of Hong Kong

Dr Wong Pak Sing, Benson

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, (HKU)


MFDS RCPS (Glasg )

CPD Certificate)

Dr Cecilia Chan

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, The University of Hong Kong

Dr Ling Wang

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, The University of Hong Kong

Lok Lok

Felis Catus (Po Lam)

Dr Lam Kam Yui , Joseph

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (HKU)



Dr Yeung Chak Yan, Jasmine

Bachelor of Dental Surgery , (The University of Otago.)



Dr Tang Chun Lok, Ernest

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, HKU

Master of Dental Surgery (Implantology), HKU

Dr Au Yeung Yuen Kwan, Irene

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, The University of Hong Kong

Dr Lam Chun Mo, Michael

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, The University of Hong Kong

Dr Wong Yeuk Ying, Phoebe

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, The University of Hong Kong

Dr Ng Rachel

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, The University of Hong Kong

Dr Wong Ting Sum, Samson

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, The University of Hong Kong

Dr Ho Shing Kit, Albert

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, The University of Hong Kong

* JSD Dental Research Institute (JSD Research Centre) was established in 2017. It is a non-profit, non-governmental and informal civil society organization; it mainly encourages continuous learning and achieves lifelong learning through Textbooks, Journals, youtube, clinical comparisons studies, small group sharings, etc.; So that patients can get quality service ** ITI : International Team for Implantology : a renowned international implant society for implant learning and sharings.

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